MelmothX's Fluxbox configuration

First the theme, to be placed in ~/.fluxbox/styles/melmoth Please note the ~/.sfondi/bg.png which is a symlink to a real background Oh, I don't recall the differences with the original theme.            Debian v.1           Dmitry E. Oboukhov <>             Wed Sep 3 18:27:11 UTC 2008

background:         fullscreen
background.pixmap:      ~/.sfondi/bg.png

window.font:            -*-terminus-medium-r-*-*-16-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-1
menu.frame.font:        -*-terminus-medium-r-*-*-16-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-1
menu.title.font:        -*-terminus-medium-r-*-*-16-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-1
toolbar.clock.font:     -*-terminus-medium-r-*-*-16-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-1
toolbar.iconbar.focused.font:   -*-terminus-bold-r-*-*-16-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-1
toolbar.iconbar.unfocused.font: -*-terminus-medium-r-*-*-16-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-1
toolbar.workspace.font:     -*-terminus-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-1

! Window settings...
window.grip.focus:              Flat Solid
window.grip.focus.color:        #60747d

window.grip.unfocus:            Flat Solid
window.grip.unfocus.color:      rgb:42/42/42

window.handle.focus:            Flat Solid
window.handle.focus.color:      #000000

window.handle.unfocus:          Flat Solid
window.handle.unfocus.color:    #000000

window.label.focus:             Flat Gradient CrossDiagonal
window.label.focus.color:       #9d0c19
window.label.focus.colorTo:     #4e060d
window.label.focus.textColor:   #ffffff
window.label.focus.justify:     Left

window.justify:                 Left
window.label.unfocus:           Flat Gradient CrossDiagonal
window.label.unfocus.color:     #40545d
window.label.unfocus.colorTo:   #000a17
window.label.unfocus.textColor: #BBBBBB

window.title.focus:             Flat Solid Horizontal
window.title.focus.color:       #000000
window.title.focus.colorTo:     #ffffff

window.title.unfocus:           Flat Solid Horizontal
window.title.unfocus.color:     #000000
window.title.unfocus.colorTo:   #ffffff

window.frame.focusColor:        #000000
window.frame.unfocusColor:      #000000

window.button.focus:            Gradient Diagonal
window.button.focus.color:      rgb:FF/FF/FF
window.button.focus.colorTo:    rgb:55/55/55
window.button.focus.picColor:   black
window.button.unfocus:          Solid
window.button.unfocus.color:    rgb:88/88/88
window.button.unfocus.colorTo:  rgb:33/33/33
window.button.unfocus.picColor: black
window.button.pressed:          Flat Gradient CrossDiagonal
window.button.pressed.color:    #60747d
window.button.pressed.colorTo:  #0e1a27

! Toolbar settings...

toolbar.iconbar.focused:        Flat Gradient CrossDiagonal
toolbar.iconbar.focused.color:      #9d0c19
toolbar.iconbar.focused.colorTo:    #4e060d
toolbar.iconbar.focused.textColor:  #FFFFFF
toolbar.iconbar.focused.borderWidth:    1
toolbar.iconbar.focused.borderColor:    #FFFFFF

toolbar.iconbar.unfocused:      Flat Gradient CrossDiagonal
toolbar.iconbar.unfocused.color:    #40545d
toolbar.iconbar.unfocused.colorTo:      #000a17
toolbar.iconbar.unfocused.textColor:    #BBBBBB
toolbar.iconbar.unfocused.borderWidth:  1
toolbar.iconbar.unfocused.borderColor:  #555555

toolbar.iconbar.empty:          Flat Gradient CrossDiagonal
toolbar.iconbar.empty.color:        #40545d
toolbar.iconbar.empty.colorTo:      #000a17
toolbar.iconbar.empty.borderWidth:  0

toolbar.iconbar.borderWidth:        0
toolbar.workspace.borderWidth:      0

toolbar.button:                 Gradient Diagonal
toolbar.button.color:           rgb:9B/9B/9B
toolbar.button.colorTo:         rgb:42/42/42
toolbar.button.picColor:        black

toolbar.button.pressed:         Flat Gradient CrossDiagonal
toolbar.button.pressed.color:   #60747d
toolbar.button.pressed.colorTo: #0e1a27

toolbar.label:                  Flat Gradient CrossDiagonal
toolbar.label.color:            #40545d
toolbar.label.colorTo:          #0e1a27
toolbar.label.textColor:        #ffffff

toolbar.windowLabel:            Flat Gradient CrossDiagonal
toolbar.windowLabel.color:      #40545d
toolbar.windowLabel.colorTo:    #0e1a27
toolbar.windowLabel.textColor:  #ffffff

toolbar.clock:                  Flat Gradient CrossDiagonal
toolbar.clock.color:            #40545d
toolbar.clock.colorTo:          #0e1a27
toolbar.clock.textColor:        #ffffff

toolbar:                        Flat Solid CrossDiagonal
toolbar.color:                  #000000
toolbar.textColor:              #333333
toolbar.justify:                Center

! ----------- tab - explicit for fluxbox, the best wm out there[tm] (;             Left             Flat Solid       #60747d   white           Sunken Solid     #40545d     rgb:90/90/90         1         black

! Menu settings...
menu.frame:                     Flat Gradient CrossDiagonal
menu.frame.color:               #40545d
menu.frame.colorTo:             #0e1a27
menu.frame.textColor:           #ffffff
menu.frame.justify:             Left

menu.title:                     Flat Gradient CrossDiagonal
menu.title.color:               #80949d
menu.title.colorTo:             #4e5a67
menu.title.textColor:           #ffffff
menu.title.justify:             Center

menu.hilite:                    Flat Gradient CrossDiagonal
menu.hilite.color:              #80949d
menu.hilite.colorTo:            #4e5a67
menu.hilite.textColor:          #ffffff

menu.bullet:                    Cube
menu.bullet.position:           Left
menu.frame.disableColor:        #777777

menu.bevelWidth:        1

! ---------------

handleWidth:                    2
frameWidth:                     1
bevelWidth:                     1
borderWidth:                    1
borderColor:                    #AAAAAA

toolbar.button:                 Gradient Diagonal
toolbar.button.color:           rgb:9B/9B/9B
toolbar.button.colorTo:         rgb:42/42/42
toolbar.button.picColor:        black
toolbar.button.pressed:         Flat Gradient CrossDiagonal
toolbar.button.pressed.color:   #60747d
toolbar.button.pressed.colorTo: #0e1a27

Then the shortcuts (.fluxbox/keys). They are inspired by the tiling wm like dwm, awesome and so on. They use the Mod4 key (left win-key) as modifier.

# -*- mode: conf -*-
# click on the desktop to get menus
OnDesktop Mouse1 :HideMenus
OnDesktop Mouse2 :WorkspaceMenu
OnDesktop Mouse3 :RootMenu

# scroll on the desktop to change workspaces
OnDesktop Mouse4 :PrevWorkspace
OnDesktop Mouse5 :NextWorkspace

# scroll on the toolbar to change workspaces
OnToolbar Mouse4 :PrevWorkspace
OnToolbar Mouse5 :NextWorkspace

# alt + left/right click to move/resize a window
OnWindow Mod4 Mouse1 :MacroCmd {Raise} {Focus} {StartMoving}
OnWindow Mod4 Mouse3 :MacroCmd {Raise} {Focus} {StartResizing NearestCorner}

# middle click a window's titlebar and drag to attach windows
OnTitlebar Mouse2 :StartTabbing

# double click on the titlebar to shade
OnTitlebar Double Mouse1 :Shade

# right click on the titlebar for a menu of options
OnTitlebar Mouse3 :WindowMenu

# alt-tab
Mod4 k :NextWindow {groups}
Mod4 j :PrevWindow {groups}
Mod4 l :NextTab
Mod4 h :PrevTab

# open a terminal
Mod4 Return :Exec urxvt

# open a dialog to run programs
Mod4 p :Exec dmenu_run

# volume settings, using common keycodes
# if these don't work, use xev to find out your real keycodes
176 :Exec amixer sset Master,0 1+
174 :Exec amixer sset Master,0 1-
160 :Exec amixer sset Master,0 toggle

# current window commands
Mod1 F4 :Close
Mod1 F9 :Minimize
Mod1 F10 :Maximize
Mod1 F11 :Fullscreen

# open the window menu
Mod1 space :WindowMenu

# exit fluxbox
Control Mod1 Delete :Exit

# change to a specific workspace
Mod4 10 :Workspace 1
Mod4 11 :Workspace 2
Mod4 12 :Workspace 3
Mod4 13 :Workspace 4
Mod4 14 :Workspace 5
Mod4 15 :Workspace 6
Mod4 16 :Workspace 7
Mod4 17 :Workspace 8
Mod4 18 :Workspace 9

# send the current window to a specific workspace
Shift Mod4 10 :SendToWorkspace 1
Shift Mod4 11 :SendToWorkspace 2
Shift Mod4 12 :SendToWorkspace 3
Shift Mod4 13 :SendToWorkspace 4
Shift Mod4 14 :SendToWorkspace 5
Shift Mod4 15 :SendToWorkspace 6
Shift Mod4 16 :SendToWorkspace 7
Shift Mod4 17 :SendToWorkspace 8
Shift Mod4 18 :SendToWorkspace 9

# send the current window and change to a specific workspace
Control Mod4 10 :TakeToWorkspace 1
Control Mod4 11 :TakeToWorkspace 2
Control Mod4 12 :TakeToWorkspace 3
Control Mod4 13 :TakeToWorkspace 4
Control Mod4 14 :TakeToWorkspace 5
Control Mod4 15 :TakeToWorkspace 6
Control Mod4 16 :TakeToWorkspace 7
Control Mod4 17 :TakeToWorkspace 8
Control Mod4 18 :TakeToWorkspace 9

And the .fluxbox/startup script

# fluxbox startup-script:
# Applications you want to run with fluxbox.
conky &
wmmoonclock -lat +44 -lon -12 &
# And last but not least we start fluxbox.
# Because it is the last app you have to run it with ''exec'' before it.

exec fluxbox
# or if you want to keep a log:
# exec fluxbox -log "/home/melmoth/.fluxbox/log"